Month: April 2021

E-cigarette companies appeal to the youth

How E-cigarette companies appeal to the youth

Over the years, there has been an increase in e-cigarette products among the youth. Many young people have come across numerous e-cigarette brands because they are Recommended by some. The companies have taken advantage of a lot of platforms and methods in marketing their products. These can vary from different social media engagements to collaborating with several cultural events for the youth. Here are four ways that e-cigarette companies increase their exposure to the youth.

Offering scholarship
There are several scholarships offered to students that can …

The Top Benefits of Using E-commerce for Your Business

With the sudden rapid growth of online shopping in Canada, entrepreneurs have incorporated e-commerce into their businesses. E-commerce brings a competitive advantage to startups, and here are the following key benefits.
Low Operational Cost
A lot of low-cost e-commerce platforms out there nowadays are available for startups to check out.
When you start your operation using an e-commerce platform, you can customize the visual elements of your online store to make it look appealing and user-friendly. You also have the option to integrate inventory management and payment systems into your online platform without …

A Hands-on Guide to Effective Market Research

Market research is crucial for any entrepreneur. A thoroughly designed market research plan can steer you in the right direction. If used properly, it allows you to minimize costly mistakes and choose better decisions for your business.
In this blog, you will find out more about the effective and practical ways to conduct market research.
Gathering Inside Information Sources
Tap into numerous internal resources that contain valuable information. These substantial resources mostly consist of data about customer service and sales. They can give you many insights into the market competition, new product ideas, …

How to Increase Your Sales One at a Time

A lot of entrepreneurs face problems with unexceptional sales growth. Failing to observe and comprehend the reasons customers buy from your business is frequently cited as one of the contributing factors. You will discover tips on increasing your sales one step at a time in this article.
Know Your Customer
Often, the first step and the best way to increase your sales over time is to pinpoint your ideal customer. Understanding customers starts from a well-defined competitive edge and value proposition. Use a methodical approach by creating solid sales objectives, identifying flaws in the sales process, and drafting a series …

Top Five Selling Skills to Improve Over Time

Sales is a very broad specialty. There are a lot of skills you can learn when it comes to selling, but there are also five needed to develop throughout your career. If you are the type of professional who never stops to pursue excellence in sales, take note of the following top five selling skills to improve over time.
1. Research
The sales industry is an ever-changing one, and now it has shifted into a warmer approach. Although cold calling was the standard back then, many industry specialists have realized that it’s not almost effective compared to the newly emerging alternatives, including warm calling and warm …

The Primary Factors to Consider in a Sales Pitch

A sales pitch is a make-or-break opportunity. To win your prospect’s business, you need to get everything ready. The most important thing you can do before the start of the presentation is to craft a carefully thought-out presentation according to their business needs.
Keep in mind the following primary factors to consider when doing a sales pitch to your prospect.
Understand Your Prospect
You can make your sales pitch appealing once you fully understand your prospect. Research extensively, get to know the people who will attend the presentation, and gather intelligence on their profiles throughout the buying …