Betty Elder

Know the Basics of Online Selling

Our introductory course to online selling is the most top-rated program we have so far. It discusses the basics needed to ensure unparalleled professional success. However, this module is not designed for self-paced learning. Members are instead required to spend between four and five hours of training every week.
Everyone interested in learning more about the online selling fundamentals is welcome to enroll. Whether you are working in sales for the first time or already a fully experienced sales professional, you will discover how to do engagements with prospects efficiently throughout the overall sales process.
For this …

Increase Your Success With Soft Skills

Soft skills refer to a broad range of types that encompass but are not limited to, communication, people, and social skills. Although having a set of hard skills (technical skills) is a good start for a successful professional career in sales, you cannot go the extra mile without accompanying soft skills. So what is the big deal with soft skills and what makes them extremely important anyway?
Enroll now for our online soft skills training so you can find out more about one of the most vital components in making a successful sale. During your time with these lessons, you will learn a lot of tips that involve the development of …

Build Your Business With Prospecting

Are you looking to build your business via sales but do not have an idea how to start? Our prospecting module is perfect just for you!
The online prospecting course outlines the fundamentals of prospecting. Once you are enrolled in this module, you will get to know and use a wide variety of techniques and tools, respectively. These resources will guide you through maximizing sales impact, including market profitability.
Moreover, in this course, you’ll discover how to sort your prospecting efforts for a more organized and consistent flow. You can then put together a greater understanding of efficient prospecting …